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Sean's Experience



Up for Arts with BBC Radio Merseyside



UP FOR ARTS Dancing Extravaganza

Sean Styles learns to boogie!!

It was our turn on Monday to teach Sean a simple Scottish dance,  (devised as we went along!!).  Eric, Margaret & Hazel went along to Radio Merseyside armed with a recently published CD and  after clearing a few tables & chairs away, we started the lesson with Sean wearing a Glen Garry & half a sporran to look the part! (Not sure if he was expecting to learn Highland dancing, but anyway.)

Helen Jones, another Radio Merseyside presenter joined us and we taught them a very easy dance, appropriately called Sean’s Folly. Sean & Helen danced together & did really well, seeing as they had never tried Scottish dancing before.

We did 32 bars and called it a day - they were both tired out!!! After a short interview, we left them to catch their breath.



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